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The Word of Ungod

Ungod Home
Ungod's Brevity
Sayings 1 & 2
Saying 3
Sayings 4 & 5
Saying 6
Saying 7
Saying 8
Word of Ungod -- continued...

4) Body-being Head-thinking [moves-not] [happens-not]

Translation: "Thinking is something that bodies do; therefore without a body to do the thinking, thinking can't exist."

Ungod's construction here is a little inexact (hey, Ungod is anything but perfect!) but what she means is that thinking only happens in certain animal brains, and then only when those brains receive adequate nutrients and caloric energy. Which means, gosh, thinking is a physical process!

Ungod's point is that since God is not a physical being, lacks a body and therefore lacks a brain (not to mention other appendages), God can't think.

Thinking can't happen, she's telling us, unless a body does it. And God doesn't have one of those. He's not a body-being. (And He's never gotten over it, either.)

Ungod's meaning really goes much further than this, though. If you bob your head and try to pick up the faint vibrational hues and radiances of her words, the following revelation leaps upon you:

Information doesn't exist out in the world. It is only a human -- perhaps only a hominid, perhaps only a mammalian -- characteristic. Information happens only in our imaginations.

This is made explicit in the very next words on the Rock.

5) Body-thinking [happens]

Translation: "Information happens!"

Information happens! Isn't that the truth of it? But what the hell. . . !?

Let me explain. Ungod means information is an internal experience we have, not a set of "facts" about the world. Information is not "true" says Ungod, except as a bit of common human experiencing.

Don't let this confuse you, says Ungod. She means that information is always a comparitive: instead of being True or False, an information-experience is instead more true (or less true) than some other bit of information experience.

And information is species-specific, and therefore species-limited. If you can grasp this, and its consequences, you're getting close to the beating heart of the Rock of Ungod.

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© 2000 by Dwight Lyman

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