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The Word of Ungod

Ungod Home
Ungod's Brevity
Sayings 1 & 2
Saying 3
Sayings 4 & 5
Saying 6
Saying 7
Saying 8
The NeoMystic Word of Ungod -- Explained!

1) Gods Ungod-living [moves-not] [moves]

Translation: "There are no Gods but Ungod"

Since Ungod is no god, this pretty much sums up atheist worship.

Ok, you're right. Atheists do worship the pink unicorn and great fisheye, I admit that. But most of all atheists worship Ungod. Or they will as soon as they find out about her, because. . . ok, because Ungod is naked.

That's right, not a stitch on. And can Jehovah and Allah and Buddha say that?

2) Gods Head-thinking Body-being [happens] [happens-if] [moves]

Translation: "If God had a brain, He'd have a body."

And if he had a body, he'd have to wear clothes. Or else go stark naked like Ungod.

What Ungod means here is that she is a much better choice for human worship because she can be naked. Whereas God, poor bodiless entity that He is, hasn't a thing to hang his clothes on.

Oh, and the part about a brain? Obviously if God had a brain, He'd give himself a body. Who wouldn't? It makes things so much easier, starting with what to do with your hat. But God doesn't have a body, and consequently he doesn't have one very important thing that comes with bodies: a brain.

And without the brain, he'll never think to give himself a body.

Talk about a vicious circle!

Ok, there's one other little problem with not having a body. You can't exist!

Why? Because you can't do anything -- because you don't have any parts to do anything with. No body, no brain, no you.

Which makes what to do with the hat the least of your worries.

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