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The Word of Ungod

Ungod Home
Ungod's Brevity
Sayings 1 & 2
Saying 3
Sayings 4 & 5
Saying 6
Saying 7
Saying 8
Word of Ungod -- continued...

3) God-giving Ungod-living [happens] [happens-not]

Translation: "Service to God is disservice to Life"

How's that for a bumper sticker.

If you put it on your car, will you find your windows smashed and tires flat? Probably, says Ungod. If you belong to God, any truth but His makes you angry, since it threatens you with eternal punishment.

"I am a Jealous God," says God. "and since I only exist as an idea in your head, I will strike you with all my wrath if you think unGod-like ideas!" Serve God, and you serve an idea-virus. It invades your head, destroying any thoughts incompatable with it, barring the ears, eyes, nose and mouth from anything Ungod. What you believe is more important than how you live.

Poor Ungod! She thinks ideas should serve you, not you them.

Instead of getting stuck on your beliefs, she thinks you should be free to abandon them as soon as the wind changes -- or a better idea floats by.

But God, that destructive virus, wants to rout everything out the human mind but Him. Think God ideas, or go to hell. Believe and worship God ideas, and be rewarded with the only existence that really, really matters: afterlife.

Ah, afterlife! The City of Dis. Heaven at God's right hand. Cloudy, wispy angels braying in your ears! God, God, God, God all day long in your ears.

Heaven indeed, if you're the God-idea virus. But hell, sheer hell, if you're the ears.

Such is service to God.

You can't have two masters. Serve life, or serve God. Take your choice.

But is life a master? Ungod is telling me she didn't write that.

"Life is us in our aliveness, that's all," she says. Can you be your own master?

You can, you absolutely can. But only if you are virus-free.

Service to God is disservice to Life. If you are all goo-goo eyes over heaven, over the sweet fantasy that you will have eternal life without pain or effort or bathroom visits -- well, the result is that you pay that much less attention to life. You care that much less about things on earth.

After all, the real show is in heaven.

So if a few million people starve here, a few million more get tortured there, what does it matter? This is only life. And by dying, they'll just get to heaven a little quicker --. That wonderful place where they'll have the angel-braying God-virus in their ears all day, and running out their noses.

The real show!

Of course, life on earth isn't entirely useless. I mean, its a great opportunity to build religious schools and indoctrinate as many billions as possible with the God-virus.

We need those billions in heaven. God feeds on them. It's His only source of sustenance.

But wait, Ungod...


A few exist who believe in God but also seem to care about those starving and tortured millions. And actively try to help.

They are called liberals.

If they serve God, how can it be that they care so much about life, about helping other people here on earth?

They serve two masters, says Ungod. The God-virus only got half their brain. Or got brain but not heart. Or they have an active immune system.


The point is that all the others who serve God are engaged full time in a frontal, full-scale attack on liberals. And now you know why.

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