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The Word of Ungod

Ungod Home
Ungod's Brevity
Sayings 1 & 2
Saying 3
Sayings 4 & 5
Saying 6
Saying 7
Saying 8
Word of Ungod -- continued...

7) Body-being Ground-dancing Ungod-living [happens-if] [moves] [moves]

Translation: "To realize we are body beings is to realize life takes place here on earth and not elsewhere."

Ungod is a body being. You are a body being. I am a body being -- at least, last time I checked. A body being is the antipode of a spiritual being.

Ungod's language may seem strange at first ear, but it is the strangeness of real things. Listen to Ungod strangeness.

She is telling you that a spiritual being is one whose final and only home is after life. (Ask any Christian, ask any theist, they will all admit it!) What they want, what they yearn for, what they worship is after life.

And "after life" means, well, come on! It means what follows upon death. The world of after-existence. The world of the dead. Theists say God lives in this realm of death, which is after-life or after-existence -- and atheists agree entirely.

The difference, of course, is that theists insist that the realm of death (after-life, after-existence, call it what you will) -- theists claim that it really does exist. That it is really some kind of place, spiritual and bodiless and yet somehow we'll be ourselves and have spiritual bodies, though never having to eat or defecate or spit.

While atheists -- lacking all practical common sense -- conclude that death is actually death, and that after life is actually after life, and therefore not life at all.

And they conclude, most non-sensible of all, that having a body and being a body being is what it's all about, and that without bodies, being feeling and doing anything would be exceedingly difficult, devoid of pleasure and satisfaction.

Oh those atheists! Where is their common sense?

Now, Ungod admits that it seems undesirable not to live forever. To lose our bodies and all their wonderful feelings and thoughts, to lose our loved ones, to see all our bodily pleasures and preferences come to an end -- it does not seem desirable.

But Ungod's point is that theists believe all these bodily things come to an end at death as surely as non-theists do.

The proof is in the ground. In the dead body itself.

It's dead. We put it in the ground and years later, if we dig it up, it's still there -- partially decomposed, claimed by bacteria, molds, and bugs -- but still dead.

The news is bad whether you are atheist or theist. Though of course theists try to disguise the bad news as good news. You were never really a body being at all -- they chant.* You were a spiritual being, and the spiritual part continues to live -- forever -- in that realm of death called after life. Sitting smugly at God's right hand (or was it left?).

The atheist, more accustomed to honesty, says "Yes, we die, and it's a bummer. Death is final, for the body never recovers from the grave. And body beings that we are, when the body is lost veritably we are lost, our thoughts, our dreams, our hopes, our pleasures, our memories, our loving -- all the wonderful aspects of body-being, lost when being a body is lost. Our very selves lost."

Strangely, Ungod doesn't cry.

Ungod chortles, and skips, and smiles.


Ungod knows a secret.

It's written in the Rock.

* Ok, some theists fib and claim those of us who are saved will have our bodies in heaven -- but when you read the fine print you discover that almost all the wonderful things we love to do as bodies (eat, sleep, have sex, etc.) are forbidden. Even the ground to stand on is taken away, replaced with insubstantial clouds. No matter how you slice it, you only get to be a "spiritual" being in heaven -- not a body being. And that removes all the fun.

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