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The Word of Ungod

Ungod Home
Ungod's Brevity
Sayings 1 & 2
Saying 3
Sayings 4 & 5
Saying 6
Saying 7
Saying 8
Ungod's Brevity

 It has been asked how so much information could have been found on a single rather small stone.

It is simple.

The invisible characters on the stone almost instantaneously grouped themselves in layers over one another, alternately rising and falling as I needed. Reading the holy writ of Ungod was more like unpeeling an onion, albeit a somewhat magical one, and less like making pressings of gravestones or, for that matter, reading pedestals.

Thus the Rock of Ungod has a clear edge over the tables of Moses or the tablets of Mormon. After all, their technology was stone age. Ungod's is information age.

Did Ungod walk among these ancient mountains green? Another view of the ruins of Machu Picchu, nestled 8000 feet above sea level in the mountains of Peru. The author was never here.

A word about the pre-Mayan language on the tablets. In most languages, ancient or modern, a distinction is made between nouns and verbs - or more accurately, between objects and their actions. Here that is not the case. Remarkably, their word for an object always includes its action or behavior as well.

In a sense it is a language without verbs because nouns already include the verb: we might call them noun-verbs. What almost serves the place of the verb, however, are characters that indicate the existential or logic state for each noun-verb in the sentence. There are a very limited number of these logic states, which are: happens, moves, happens-not, moves-not, happens-if, moves-if.

If there are other logic-states, they are not found on the Ungod stone. In the passages that follow, the logic states follow [in brackets] in the same order as the noun-verb they apply to.

Any noun-verb that changes or exists (or is provisionally presumed to exist, in some contexts) is assigned the logic-state of moves. If it is non-existent, it is assigned the opposite state of moves-not. On the other hand, when a noun-verb is assigned the logic state of happens, it becomes a reference to the noun-verb's experience itself - or the experiencing of it by some sentient being. This will become clearer as we look at the sayings.

Thus the first 8 sayings of Ungod are as follows:

1) Gods Ungod-living [moves-not] [moves]
2) Gods Head-thinking Body-being [happens] [happens-if] [moves]
3) God-giving Ungod-living [happens] [happens-not]
4) Body-being Head-thinking [moves-not] [happens-not]
5) Body-thinking [happens]
6) Body-thinking Pond-changing Ungod-living [happens-if] [moves] [moves]
7) Body-being Ground-dancing Ungod-living [happens-if] [moves] [moves]
8) Body-being Corpse Corpse [moves] [happens-not] [moves]

These are literal translations. What follows explains what they mean.

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