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The Word of Ungod

Ungod Home
Ungod's Brevity
Sayings 1 & 2
Saying 3
Sayings 4 & 5
Saying 6
Saying 7
Saying 8
Word of Ungod -- continued...

6) Body-thinking Pond-changing Ungod-living [happens-if] [moves] [moves]

Translation: literally, "Meaning swims in the dark pond of living." But its fuller meaning is roughly as follows: "One thing life can never be is meaningful. Only language can be meaningful. Even then, only to the extent that it dips into the dark pond of life."

Ah, the meaning of meaning, whatever that means!

Ungod is saying, "Look at that oak tree!"

And she means that the words "oak tree" are meaningful, for they are symbols which point to -- reference, in fancy talk -- the tall woody object gracing Ungod's front yard. "Oak tree" is meaningful because it references something, and when you hear the words you know that it is not the words themselves, "oak tree", which Ungod wants you to embrace. Rather, she wants you to glide into her front yard and hug the tall woody thing.

Words are meaningful because they point at things -- real things. And the value of the phrase "oak tree" (or more accurately, its source of value) is that real thing in the yard. The real thing is in itself valuable, and the words about it are meaningful because they point at the value.

This boring-sounding stuff is very important to Ungod, and she will get very angry at you if you let on that it bores you. So you better snap to and pay attention, or you'll soon have naked Ungod to pay.

That's better.

Now, what if we said the tall woody thing in Ungod's front yard was meaningful? Before, we said it was valuable, and that the words about it were meaningful. But what if, instead, we said the tall woody thing was itself meaningful?

This would be the same as asserting that Ungod's tall woody front yard thing referenced or pointed at something else. And that to hug her tree is really to want to hug the something else that the tree references. In this case, it is not the tree which is the real thing, rather, the something else which it references is the real thing.

This, you may recognize, is the usual viewpoint. Sometimes people will claim that the real tree references some abstract or ideal tree in God's mind. Sometimes they will say it references God Himself. Either way, the touchable, physical tree in the front yard has been rendered meaningful, its value removed to another realm.

Wrong! wrong! wrong! says Ungod. "Evil! And nothing but evil!" she shouts!

She is here to tell you, for the sake of life and all that is wonderful and all that matters, that the tall woody thing in her front yard is meaningless.

Meaningless, meaningless, meaningless.

It has to be so.

If it is meaningful, then it is not the real thing. It is not what is valuable, something else has been given value instead.

Real things are always meaningless. Instead of referring to something else, they are themselves IT.

If you are meaningful, you have no value from yourself, but only from what you reference. You are nothing but a symbol, a word.

Which is the great lie of theism.

Theism says our whole world, life, laughter, love and all, is nothing but meaningful. It says that all value comes from God. That God is the real thing, and that earth and earth life is but a symbol of that, at best pointing to God.

Theism insists on moving value away from lovely earth to a non-physical so-called "spiritual" world -- a place of God and angels and dead souls. In theism, this realm of death after life is believed to be what is ultimately real, and all the things of earth and cosmos are reduced to being merely meaningful, drawing what paltry meaning they can from what is euphemistically referred to as "after-life," the unholy realm of God and angels and dead human beings.

Oh, the great betrayal of life that is theism!

Stark naked Ungod, let her nakedly come forth and show us how to value life instead of death, let her uncover before us a path to the wonderful laughter and love and livingness of being real things. We are beautiful body beings, all of us, in imperfect body-being ungod life

Oh come forth, and step into the meaningless world of being valuable, of being value itself. Of being ungod life!

Naked Ungod herself is telling us so.

No wonder atheists worship her.

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